Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Department of Geophysical Methods
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Nowadays at the department students of the direction ”Geology” and of the specialty “Geophysics” are taught.

Levels of training: bachelor, specialist, master`s degree.

The object of activity: the Earth crust with geological structures, mineral deposits, natural and anthropogenic geophysical phenomena and processes in science and human activities.

Type of activity: in the field of geology and exploration, preparation of building sites, research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering, technical testing and analysis.

Professional positions: a geophysicist - operator complex geophysical instruments and equipment, a geophysicist interpreter field geophysical materials.

Professional features experts: designing geophysical studies in the area of work - drafting for research to address the exploration, engineering or environmental targets and cost estimates for its implementation. Conducting field geophysical observations on the ground work. Perform processing and interpretation of geophysical measurements using modern computer technologies and systems.


The department has two subsidiaries:

the Pridneprovsk geophysical prospecting expedition (the city Novomoskovsk);

the State geophysical expedition “Dneprogeofizika” (the city Dnepropetrovsk).

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The department offers post-graduate and doctorate courses on specialty “Geophysics”.

The main research work of the department is accomplished in the following directions:

the development of theoretical base for interpretation of geophysical data;

the geological interpretation of geophysical data. 

the development of software for the solution of inverse problems of geophysics, and combined interpretation of geophysical data;







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