Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Department of Geophysical Methods was founded in 1935 under the leadership of Professor V.S.Fedukovicha. However, it did not left an appreciable trace in Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute  because  all teachers were repressed, except assistant I.V.Vdovin which with went to the front the beginning of the Second World War. In Karaganda evacuation training of engineers geophysicists was carried out by professor Ya.A.Yunkov and he re-established the Department of Geophysical Methods  in 1944 with the re-evacuation in Dnepropetrovsk.

Ya.A.Yunkov headed the department for 30 years - from 1944 until 1974. In 1974, due to old age Ya.A.Yunkov department was headed by a young professor K.F.Tyapkin, headed the department until 2000.  From June 2000 to 2005, as head of the Department of Geophysics worked Ph.D. in geology Denysiuk R.P.

Scientific Schools

Scientific schools in the Department of Geophysics begrimed  to form when Ya.A.Yunkov become head . His research interests lie in solving direct and inverse gravity problems for bodies of  regular geometric shape . And his first disciples ( K.F.Tyapkin , E.G.Bulah , G.Ya.Golizdra and others) have also been working in this direction. However, the freedom of scientific research, which gave students Ya.A.Yunkov led to the fact that the most promising of his students , who stayed in the department - K.F.Tyapkin G.Ya.Golizdra and created their own schools . They were engaged in new urgent problems - the geological interpretation of potential fields ( K.F.Tyapkin ) and integrated interpretation of geophysical data ( G.Ya.Golizdra ) . This was and is an objective reason - the emergence of computers has led to the problem of solving direct problems of geophysics , which engaged Ya.A.Yunkov ceased to be relevant.

K.F.Tyapkin and his disciples and followers ( V.N.Gontarenko , T.T.Kivelyuk , V.P.Soldatenko , A.L.Lozovy , O.V.Orlinska , M.M.Dovbnich and many others) develop a methodology for determining faults in the crust and associated geological structure and the location of mineral deposits in different regions. Study regularities of systems faults in the crust allowed K.F.Tyapkinu formulate a new rotary hypothesis that all faults and tectonic regimes Earth as a planet due to a change of the Earth rotational mode , basically - change the direction of its axis of rotation.

G.Ya.Golizdra and his disciples ( V.M.Logvin , V.S.Popovich and others) have been studying the deep structure of the different regions of the geophysical data , basically - gravity and seismic data . They developed a method of integrated interpretation and new data on the depth of the structure of the Ukrainian shield , Donbass and the Urals.

Outstanding awards

Employees of the Department for their active participation in training and solving important problems of the economy more than once observed state awards.

 State Prize of the USSR in the field of science and technology was awarded in 1972 a group of scientists for outstanding contribution to the study of Ukrainian iron ore province. Among them are employees of the Department of Geophysics - Ya.A.Yunkov and K.F.Tyapkin .

 In 1986, for outstanding contribution to training  Ya.A.Yunkov  and K.F.Tyapkin were awarded the Order " Badge of Honor ."

K.F.Tyapkin for significant scientific achievements in 1990 was elected a corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine , and in 1995 - a full member of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.

 For the work of theory and methods for determining deformation of the upper part of the Earth tectonosphere in 1996 K.F.Tyapkin and VM Gontarenko was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology. In 2000 the book "Physics of the Earth"  (released by K.F.Tyapkin) was won the im.S.U.Subbotina NAS  prize.

For his work " The stress-strain state and geomedium dangerous geodynamic phenomena: the nature and direction of the forecast " the authors  Dovbnich M., Demyanets S. ,Viktosenko I  were awarded Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists in the field of science and technology, 2010.



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